How to Make the Most of Your Outdoor Living Space

How to Make the Most Out of Your Home’s Outdoor Living Space

It’s finally spring! The birds are chirping, the days are longer, and the sun is warmer. While we always look forward to warmer weather, this year it feels even more necessary. For most of us, we’ve spent the past year working and learning from home, being cooped up indoors, and unable to travel like normal.

The arrival of spring and summer not only helps lift our spirits, but extends our living space while opening up so many more opportunities for safely socializing. As another summer season approaches, it’s worth spending some time (and a little money) to make the most out of your home’s outdoor space, however large or small.

Whether you want to host backyard barbecues, create a dedicated WFH outdoor space, or try your hand at gardening, there are so many easy ways to extend your living space and upgrade your outside space.

If you live in a townhouse, single-family home, or even an apartment, there are tons of affordable and unique ways to maximize your balcony, patio, or yard. Let’s take a closer look at our most popular design and decor tips to prep for a beautiful summer outdoors.

How To Make The Most Out Of Your Outdoor Space

Prioritize Your Goals

A backyard or patio can be deceptively difficult to make good use of. That’s because most outdoor spaces are blank slates and it can be overwhelming to tackle decorating or arranging the space effectively.

The best way to begin transforming your backyard area is to establish what you want to use the space for. For example, do you want to give your children a play area? Do you want to do lots of entertaining? Do you want to build a lush garden? Do you want to dine al fresco?

Once you determine exactly what you want your outdoor space to be used for, you can better begin to design and decorate. This might seem like an obvious (or even unnecessary step) but it will prove very useful once it comes to buying furniture and mapping out your space.

For example, if you want to use your patio for entertaining you’ll need to purchase a larger outdoor dining table and have plenty of flexible seating arrangements. If you want it mostly for your children to play in, it will be helpful to designate a play area (with a swing set, toys, etc) so you don’t start gardening in that area.  

Play With Decor

You should approach decorating your outdoor space the exact same way you approach the indoors. You may choose to anchor the space with a bold rug, create a dedicated seating area, opt for functional furniture, and play with different textures and layers. (Read more indoor decorating tips here: From House To Home: 10 Decorating Tips from Our Apple Hollow Model Homes).

Outdoor rugs are an amazing (and easy) way to add some pizazz or tie together a space. They are also great for defining the outline of a designated space (like seating area or dining area) which can be very helpful for multi-use spaces. Make sure to choose a durable rug, like jute, that can withstand rain and other inclement weather.

Another way to add a distinct design touch is outdoor drapery panels. These work best on balconies or smaller patios to give a space a sense of privacy. Bonus points, they also give you more shade which is perfect for working outside.

The biggest mistake people make when decorating their outdoor space is thinking design elements should be minimal since it’s outside. However, as long as you find fabrics and materials that are durable and water or mildew resistant, you can add as many pillows, colorful cushions, curtains, and throws as you want.

You also don’t need to stick to minimal or muted colors. Use bright accents like patterned pillows, cushions, or rugs to make your space feel cheerful and bigger.

Pick Double-Duty Items

If you have a smaller outdoor space, like a balcony or porch, you can still decorate your space. The trick to maximizing every inch of your outdoor space is to opt for furniture and items that do double-duty.

For example, pick stools that can work as both seating and side tables, opt for storage benches or tables that give you a place to easily toss throw pillows when it rains. You can even take this concept into your gardening by growing herbs and other plants (vertically if you don’t have the space for a full garden) that you’ll use for cooking or garnishing cocktails.

Go Green

Whether you want to add a full garden to your backyard, invest in some luxe-looking landscaping, or have a few easy-to-care-for potted plants, greenery instantly elevates every outdoor space. The key to making any green space interesting is to incorporate a variety of different heights in both planters and plants. This creates dimension and draws the eye upwards, making even smaller spaces appear larger.

It’s also worthwhile to think about the transition between indoors and outdoors. Having a few indoor plants placed near the doorway or window of a patio will help both bring the outdoors inside, but also better connect the two spaces, making it feel more cohesive and help achieve better flow.

Thinking about landscaping this summer? Learn the essentials in Tips For Landscaping Your New Construction Home.

Set The Mood

Don’t forget about lighting! Lights are always a meaningful aspect of decorating any space but they’re especially important outdoors for added safety, security, and of course, ambiance. There are a few different ways to incorporate lighting into your outdoor space through decor elements like candles (which are also great for keeping bugs away) to lanterns or tiki torches which add warmth and style to any space.

For extra illumination, twinkle lights are an easy and quick way to add a romantic touch to every outdoor space. Wrap them around trees, railings, or bushes for an instant wow factor. Outdoor sconces are great for reading later in the evening and for added security. Uplighting or individual bulbs that fit into the ground help illuminate the entire yard. If you don’t have an outlet nearby or are concerned about tripping, don’t worry. You can find tons of solar-powered or battery-operated lighting.

How To Extend Your Outdoor Space Past Summer

After spending a glorious summer soaking up the beauty and piece of your newly updated outdoor space, it can be very difficult to head back indoors. That’s why we recommend adding some cold-weather elements to your outdoor space in order to extend its use throughout the year. Here are some great ways to get the most out of your outdoor space once summer has come to an end.

Add a Firepit

Outdoor fire pits have massively grown in popularity over the last few years, meaning there are lots of great options and affordable price points for getting your own personal fire pit. The best part? Many fire pits come with a metal covering so you can use it as a table or extra seating when not in use. Actually wait, s’mores! S’mores are the best part!

Make It Cozy

The Scandinavian concept of Hygge is the word (or idea) for a mood of coziness and comfort that are interwoven with feelings of wellness and contentment. The act of Hygge can be done through wearing cozy socks, drinking tea, and surrounding yourself with pillows and blankets. Embrace this lifestyle by making your outdoor space as cozy and warm as possible. You can set the Hygge mood through candles, chunky knit throws, faux fur rugs, and other cozy decor.

Utilize Space Heaters

if you don’t want to purchase a large patio heater, though this is a great option for extending the life of any outdoor space, small space heaters work perfectly. These can easily be taken from your bedroom or basement and used outdoors. You’ll likely need an outdoor power outlet or an extension cord in order to bring a space heater outside, but your toasty feet will thank you.

The Revere Homes Guarantee

Imagine a pristine home, never before dwelt in, where you create all the memories, all the pencil marks on the walls, all the laughter, and life that fills the rooms is yours alone. At Revere Homes, we pride ourselves on being experienced, creative, detail-driven home builders that listen and care about the people we’re building a new home for. From floor plans to finishes, you get to personalize and customize your home to suit you and your family. Ready to make your dream home a reality? Contact us today to get started.

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