5 Home Upgrades That Will Save You Money

5 Home Upgrades That Will Save You Money

You know that old saying, you have to spend money to make money? It might seem counterintuitive but many home renovation projects are like that, they can actually help you save money in the long run. We know what you might be thinking, why bother spending the money in the first place?

It can be a tough decision to make when you’re just trying to save money but think about it like buying a coffee maker. That one-time purchase will at first, cost money, but in the long run, it cuts down on your daily Starbucks habit, ultimately helping you save money over time.

The same concept applies to purchasing energy-efficient appliances or installing solar panels to cut down your monthly bills. Similarly, many home upgrades can be DIY’d, which also helps ease the burden of a new home investment.  

Whether you’re looking to make a low-cost switch to energy-efficient lightbulbs or invest in a total smart-home update, we’re breaking down the five best home upgrades of 2021 that will help save you money long term.

Now Is A Great Time To Upgrade

2020 was an…interesting year to say the least. Yet one of the most interesting things to see during this uncertain time was the rise of home improvement projects. Not being able to travel combined with stay-at-home orders forced us to spend the majority of our time inside the home. In turn, this made most people want to put their money into improving the place where they now spend all their time.

Home renovations are also integral to attracting potential buyers. While most older houses tend to require a brand new state-of-the-art kitchen and open concept living, new-build Revere Homes already come with these high-end finishes. This means that not only do you get to move into an already upgraded home, but it saves room in the budget for other electronic, smart additions.

In an uncertain world, there is security and peace of mind in knowing you’re saving as much money as you can. This can range from incorporating a few reliable smart devices that make things easier to control in your home or adding energy-efficient appliances to make both an environmental impact and cut down on monthly bills.

Ultimately, regardless of the type of home upgrades you opt for, any smart, efficient, or eco-friendly solution will be impressive for potential buyers, and convenient for you.

Looking for other easy ways to upgrade your home? Check out 10 Decorating Tips From Our Apple Hollow Model Homesor 6 Smart-Home Upgrades To Integrate Into Your Home.

DIY vs. Professional Upgrades

When it comes to home upgrades there is a big difference between DIY projects, ie: things you can easily install by plugging in, connecting to wifi, or using everyday tools, and more professional upgrades that require complex wiring or installation assistance.

Typically, DIY smart-home additions aren’t permanent (things like lightbulbs, shades, or hardware) and you can take them whenever you move. Professional upgrades are things that become permanently installed in your home, like smart thermostats, solar panels, or appliances.

How Do Upgrades Save You Money?

To save money with home upgrades, it’s all about strategic home improvements. There will of course be an initial investment cost. For example, an energy-efficient dishwasher will cost money upfront. The energy and water it saves, however, will lower your monthly bills which ultimately saves you money. To know what’s the best decision for you, take a look at all your monthly utility bills and see where you could cut back. Research some cost-saving options and comparison shop for the best deal.

5 Home Upgrades That Pay Off In The Long Term

There are countless home updates that can help save you money. These 5 are some of the easiest and most popular options. Keep in mind that new-build homes, especially those built with energy-efficiency in mind will require fewer upgrades, especially in the beginning. As homes age, however, it’s a good idea to maintain their integrity and ensure you’re keeping up with repairs and preventative updates.

Seal Doors & Windows

Not every home upgrade needs to be expensive or high-tech. In fact, cracks and spaces in doors and windows are some of the most common ways your home loses heating and cooling. Thankfully, it’s also one of the easiest and most low-cost home improvement projects.  

To remedy this problem inspect your home’s interior for leaks and gaps. An effective way to spot cracks is to bring a digital thermometer or lit candle to doors and windows and slowly trace the outline of the frame. If the candle goes out or the temperature drops (or rises) you’ll be able to pinpoint the exact space where air is escaping.

Next, pick up some weather stripping and/or caulk to fill in cracks. It’s also smart to regularly re-caulk doors and windows every few years.

Update Your Insulation

Another easy way to keep your heating and cooling expenses in check? Proper insulation. Check spaces like basements and attics for visible issues or use the same method as above to pinpoint the problem. Then, simply pick up a roll of insulation at your local home improvement store for around $15. This humble roll can save you close to $600 a year on heating and cooling costs!

Install A Smart Thermostat

One of the smartest home investments? A smart thermostat! Not only is this a popular feature with future homebuyers, but it’s a seriously convenient amenity.

Installing a smart thermostat in your home helps save energy which in turn, leads to cheaper monthly bills. These systems learn your patterns and weather averages to adjust the temperature as needed. They can also sense whether or not you’re home or away and adjust your home’s temperature accordingly. Similarly, many smart thermostats come with split systems so that they can be controlled from a smartphone. Forget to turn off the air conditioner right before you left for work? No problem.

Switch Your Light Bulbs

Believe it or not, even everyday items, like a lightbulb, can be improved upon. There are a variety of new smart lighting systems, some that are more eco-friendly, some that you can control remotely, and some you can set on a timer.

Upgrading your lighting is probably one of the easiest ways to save a few extra bucks on your monthly bills. Smart light bulbs use much less energy which cuts down on costs. In fact, swapping your regular bulbs for energy-efficient ones will open up a whole world of possibilities. Wifi-enabled, LED bulbs can be voice-activated, pre-set for your daily activities, and turned off or on via smartphone. Philips Hue lighting, for example, adjusts the hue and brightness of each light, better suited to your lifestyle and activities.

Forgot to turn the lights off when you left home? No need to worry, you can shut them off with a smartphone, meaning you’ll never have to waste money on electricity that’s not needed.

Change HVAC Filters

Did you know that your air conditioner and heating system filters trap all kinds of nasty allergens, germs, and dust? Cleaning these regularly is a great way to ensure you’re breathing cleaner air and filtering out dangerous germs.

Another surprising benefit? Dirty filters force your HVAC systems to run harder, ultimately requiring the use of more energy. Changing these filters every few months will reduce how hard your systems need to work, lowering those monthly costs.

The Revere Homes Guarantee

Imagine a pristine home, never before dwelt in, where you create all the memories, all the pencil marks on the walls, all the laughter, and life that fills the rooms is yours alone. At Revere Homes, we pride ourselves on being experienced, creative, detail-driven home builders that listen and care about the people we’re building a new home for. From floor plans to finishes, you get to personalize and customize your home to suit you and your family. Ready to make your dream home a reality? Contact us today to get started.

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