6 Smart-Home Upgrades to Integrate Into Your New Home

Smart-Home Upgrades You Need To Integrate Into Your Home

As a kid, I remember attending a national fair with a large exhibition that featured the “house of the future.” This futuristic home, not completely unlike The Jetsons, showcased numerous smart technologies, including a master tablet that controlled light switches, blinds, appliances, and even the temperature. It seemed marvelous, if not a little unrealistic.

Fast forward to 2021 and for most of us, this kind of smart-home technology no longer even phases us. In fact, things like Ring, Alexa, Google Home, Nest, and other similar devices are incredibly commonplace, if not expected in today’s modern homes.    

Make no mistake. These inventions are truly amazing and they have become this popular for a reason. There are numerous benefits to adding smart-home upgrades to your house. From resale value to convenience to safety. Whether you’re looking to increase the resale value of your home or make your life a little bit easier, let’s look at some of the best 2021 smart-home upgrades to integrate into your new-build home.

Now Is A Great Time To Upgrade

Over the past few years, smart-home technology has become increasingly more accessible and affordable. Not to mention, even more popular. There are several different reasons to add smart touches to your home, they make things safer, convenient, and efficient. They also make it more attractive to potential buyers in the future.

Home renovations are integral to attracting potential buyers, not to mention creating a luxe space you want to live in. While most older houses tend to require a brand new state-of-the-art kitchen and open concept living, new-build Revere Homes already come with these high-end finishes. This means that not only do you get to move into an already upgraded home, but it saves room in the budget for electronic, smart additions.

So why now? While 2020 was an…interesting year, to say the least, one of the most interesting things to see was the rise of home improvement projects. Not being able to travel combined with being forced to spend the majority of your time inside your homemade most people want to put their money into improving the home they now spend all their time in.

In an uncertain world, having reliable smart devices that make things easier to control is a gift. Whether you want to add a built-in sound system, electronic window treatments, or remotely controlled lighting in every room, home automation is both impressive for potential buyers, and convenient for you.

Looking for other easy ways to upgrade your home? Check out 10 Decorating Tips From Our Apple Hollow Model Homes.

DIY vs. Professional Upgrades

When it comes to smart-home upgrades there is a big difference between DIY projects, ie: technology that you can easily install by connecting to wifi and plugging in, and more professional upgrades that require wiring or installation assistance.

Typically, DIY smart-home additions aren’t permanent (things like Google Home, smart vacuums, or speakers) and you can take them whenever you move. Professional upgrades are things that become permanently installed in your home, like smart thermostats, solar panels, or appliances.

The 6 Best Smart-Home Upgrades

Whether you want to snag the latest gadget to DIY or want a large-scale smart-home integration, there are tons of options for you and your home. From smart irrigation systems to smart detectors, there are so many devices out there that will make your life easier, safer, and more environmentally friendly.

Below, we’re looking at some of the most popular smart home devices and upgrades that will add value to your home and efficiency to your life.

Smart Thermostat

In terms of resale value, a smart thermostat is one of the most popular features

with potential homebuyers. This isn’t just for the convenience factor, smart thermostats help save energy which in turn, leads to cheaper monthly bills. Not to mention automated climate control systems are much more eco-friendly.

Adding a smart thermostat that learns your patterns and weather averages to adjust the temperature as needed is incredibly convenient. They can also sense whether or not you’re home or away and adjust your home’s temperature accordingly. Similarly, many smart thermostats come with split systems so that they can be controlled from a smartphone. Forget to turn off the air conditioner right before you left for work? No problem.

Video Doorbell

Even if you choose to live in a safe family-friendly community, like Apple Hollow or Spring Run, it’s always worth adding an extra layer of protection to your home. Full security systems and motion sensors may not be necessary, but virtual doorbells and front cameras are a great easy-to-install option. Brands like Nest, Ring, Arlo, and more offer smart doorbells that operate via wifi to record video and images of who’s at your door. The best part? You can stream these videos from your smartphone, meaning you can always check in on your house while you’re away. Many of these devices use night vision technology, so you’ll always be able to see what’s going on.

This doesn’t just need to be used for security purposes however, it’s great to see if packages have been delivered or speak to your visitors if you’re not home. Most devices have functions where you can see and speak to those at your doorstep, meaning you’ll never miss somebody dropping by!

Smart Lightbulbs

Believe it or not, even traditional items, like a lightbulb, can be improved upon. There are a variety of new smart lighting systems, some that are more eco-friendly, some that you can control remotely, and some you can set on a timer.

Upgrading your lighting is probably one of the easiest ways to DIY your smart home. Simply swapping your regular bulbs for smart ones will open up a whole world of possibilities. Wifi-enabled, LED bulbs can be voice-activated, pre-set for your daily activities, and turned off or on via smartphone. Philips Hue lighting, for example, adjusts the hue and brightness of each light, better suited to your lifestyle and activities. Having trouble waking up in the morning? Set your light to mimic the sunrise and gently wake you up naturally. Smart lights also work as great security measures.  Away from home? Simply switch on a few lights remotely as an extra precaution.

Smart Toilet

Let’s be real, you spend way more time on the toilet than you probably realize. Without fail this is something that you (and all your family members) will absolutely use every single day. Why not invest in the cleanliness and ease of a smart toilet?

What exactly does a smart toilet do you might wonder? They definitely aren’t as mainstream as a video doorbell, but they are gaining popularity, especially since covid-19 hit. When there was a mass toilet paper shortage people started reconsidering the way they go to the bathroom and bidets started flying off the shelves. Now you can get a bidet that’s not equipped with smart technology, but almost every smart toilet has bidet functions.

Most smart toilets have several adjustable cleaning functions with varying levels of pressure. They also include heated seats, heated dryers, deodorizers, and self-cleaning settings. The major benefit? They use much less water to flush, saving you money on utility bills and reduces your environmental footprint. Not to mention the amount of money you’ll save every year on toilet paper alone.

Smart Door Lock

Another great security measure, a professional smart door lock is great for both safety, convenience, and potential resale value. With a smart door lock, you’ll never need to worry about forgetting your keys (or have to hide a spare key under your doormat). Instead, these wifi or Bluetooth-enabled devices can detect when you arrive and unlock the door for you via smartphone.

Most devices will also have fingerprint recognition so all you have to do is touch the doorknob with your fingers for entry. Similarly, you can opt for a lock that requires a passcode via touch screen.

Smart Appliances

There are a wide variety of smart appliances on the market. Some are smaller in scale, like smart coffee makers and Bluetooth scales while some are much larger, like a smart fridge or washing machine. While all these devices can technically move with you, things like kitchen appliances are likely to stay in your home, increasing its resale value.

What’s great about smart home appliances is how much they vary. Not to mention how much easier they can make your life! A smart sprinkler controller can automatically water your lawn, a smart vacuum cleaner can clean floors, even while you’re away from home. These are all more inexpensive purchases that still give you the ease and efficiency of smart devices.

The Revere Homes Guarantee

Imagine a pristine home, never before dwelt in, where you create all the memories, all the pencil marks on the walls, all the laughter, and life that fills the rooms is yours alone. At Revere Homes, we pride ourselves on being experienced, creative, detail-driven home builders that listen and care about the people we’re building a new home for. From floor plans to finishes, you get to personalize and customize your home to suit you and your family. Ready to make your dream home a reality? Contact us today to get started.

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